
NAB – The Big Reveal

The NAB Show April 16-21 in Las Vegas is pretty much the Super Bowl of the digital media/broadcasting world. It’s is an opportunity to unveil the latest cutting-edge, out-of-the-box inspiring and innovative technologies and attractions. More than 100,000 media professionals from more than 160 countries are expected to attend the event hosted by the NAB, which is the premier trade association for television and radio broadcasters.

So why does Chesapeake Systems attend and what do we hope to get out of it?

Mark Dent, President

“NAB is like the exclamation point at the end of a sentence,” Dent explains. “Companies stop releasing anything new as NAB approaches, so everyone is waiting to see what’s released. When you walk out onto the floor, the energy is palpable and you can really see how healthy the industry is.”

Jason Paquin, Chief Technology Officer

“It’s our chance to meet with our vendors, our distributors, our partners and resellers and spend some dedicated time with them beyond a phone call,” Paquin says. “We try to walk around and talk to the people behind the products so we can see what their vision is and what they think the true capabilities are from their mindset. We want to know what we can expect to do with these products.”

“It’s also exciting to walk around and look at these products with our clients and see what piques their interest. A lot of times our clients and ourselves don’t think of new ideas until we’re walking around the show floor.”

Nick Gold, Chief Revenue Officer and Solutions Consultant

“People from every corner of the planet converge on Las Vegas for one of its’ biggest annual conventions,” Gold explains. “We’ve developed many close relationships with our vendors who are located all over the world, in places such as Austria and Munich. We might only get to see them once or twice a year and they make a lot of the key technologies we bring into our customers. NAB is a very good place to get face time and bond.”

“It’s fun to be in the midst of an environment like that with our clientele. We can introduce them to vendors and get face time with them and mingle with potential clients. You get to have a lot of fun with the people you work with, which has value in and of itself.”

Want to meet up with us at NAB? Shoot us an email at


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