Chesapeake Systems’ Client Steps Up to Help in Flood-Damaged Louisiana By Jessica Mantheiy If there’s any place that’s all about community, it’s Chesapeake Systems’ customer Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, LA. For more than 20 years, Healing Place Church has strived to fulfill its mission to be “a healing place for a hurting world.” That mission was tested this summer when south Louisiana saw an unprecedented amount of rainfall Aug. 8-14 that dumped an estimated 6.9 trillion gallons of water on the community. Homes and businesses were flooded and more than 20,000 people had to be rescued. According to USA Today, 13 lives were lost, the area endured an estimated $110 million in agricultural losses and 40,000 homes were damaged. Even though the church’s “Dream Center” in the heart of Baton Rouge sustained flooding damage, volunteers came together to transform the site into a distribution center filled with clothing and supplies. Overall, Healing Placed Church served 28,000 meals to displaced families as well as staffing distribution centers to help people meet their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. To see videos of how Healing Place Church has helped make a difference, click here. Chesapeake System stands in solidarity with our client during this particularly challenging time. I have visited a Healing Place Church and have seen firsthand the dedication they have to serving not only their own community, but the community at large. The level of enthusiasm and energy they put forth is just inspiring, and something I know south Louisiana can really benefit from during the rebuilding process. Though the flood waters have subsided, great challenges and work remain for this community, and much support is needed. To consider donating to assist with disaster relief, please visit Healing Place Church’s website. Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail