#65 Automation in an Adobe Workflow with David Merzenich of MoovIt The Workflow Show #65 Automation in an Adobe Workflow with David Merzenich of MoovIt Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 00:54:05 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Ben and Jason ask about the development, goals, and benefits of using Helmut within the Adobe ecosystem and discuss certain challenges of an Adobe-centric workflow. Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail Episode Transcript Subscribe and listen to the show also via: On this episode of The Workflow Show, Jason and Ben chat with David Merzenich of MoovIt, a German-based systems integrator and the first Adobe Video Solution Partner in the program. David Merzenich discusses Helmut, a suite of workflow orchestration tools designed from the ground up, to bring consistency and flexibility to any Adobe post-production environment. Ben and Jason ask about the development, goals, and benefits of using Helmut within the Adobe ecosystem and discuss certain challenges of an Adobe-centric workflow. Listen in for some workflow therapy! Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail Episode Highlights: Discussion on automation processes in a workflow and the changes automation makes to a user’s time and efficiencies Describe Helmut and how it integrates into Adobe Cover the coolest features of Helmut Explain automation through API tools and platform features and Adobe Premiere How MoovIT GmbH became the first Adobe Video Solution Partner View a list of all The Workflow Show podcast episodes The Workflow Show is also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, YouTube View a list of all The Workflow Show podcast episodes The Workflow Show is also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, YouTube and Castos https://chesa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/TWS-Moovit_Clip1-Made-by-Headliner.mp4 About Our Guest David Merzenich graduated from the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf with a diploma in Audio and Video Engineering. He was head of Post Production and a Post Supervisor at MMC Studios Cologne GmbH. He became fascinated with the technologies behind solutions and has been at MoovIT since 2014. He is Product Manager of Helmut4. More from CHESA on This Topic: About Helmut: Helmut is a set of tools, designed from the ground up, to bring consistency and flexibility to any Adobe post-production environment. We provide four different tools that lay the ground for a solid end-to-end media-centric workflow. HelmutFX: Project management and users management seem trivial, but even today, teams of all sizes still rely on the file explorer to manually create and search for projects. There’s got to be a better way! HelmutFX makes all of this a thing of the past. With HelmutFX, you can gather users around teams, add new projects or search and open existing ones, manage projects templates and create customized project and assets folder structures. Everything is managed centrally, through a simple and easy web interface. HelmutIO: Getting you rushes in your production environment and your master files out for delivery can be quite challenging. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to removes all the guesswork and avoids costly mistakes? HelmutIO manages the import and export logistics to and from Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects using local or distributed Adobe Media Encoder render nodes. Our powerful streams designer gives you the perfect canvas to designed your import and export workflows. There’s a complete set of actions available that ensure your files will always end up in the right place, with the right name, codec settings, and metadata fields. HelmutCO: Teams need to share assets between projects all the time. Finding the right assets often means going through all your previous project files and opening them one by one until you find the one you really need. HelmutCO can be your hero. There’s a HelmutCO Premiere and AfterEffects panel extension that allows any teams member to navigate Helmut’s project files, find the relevant assets, sequences, or compositions and seamlessly import those assets into Premiere or AfterEffects. HelmutCO will handle all dynamic link logic behind the scenes, freeing your users from this tedious task. HelmutHK: Whenever you need to park your project for some time, archive your final project file or restore an old project file from the archive, HelmutHK got you covered. HelmutHK uses a unique approach, it leverages the power of the HelmutCO database to filter project assets that are worth archiving, like unique project assets, assets referenced to a timeline or composition,… This will leads to a highly efficient archiving process that saves you time and precious storage space. Follow The Workflow Show on Twitter