New York’s Best Video Archive and MAM-Centric Conference of the Year Apr 5, 2017 Join us for AMIA’s Digital Asset Symposium in May at NYC’s MoMA Friday, May 5, 2017 MoMa 11 W 53rd St, New York, NY REGISTER NOW * Chesapeake Systems Friends Discount Use the code DAS-SPG when you register for a 15% discount. Media Asset Management, creating metadata taxonomies, managing ever-growing archives, making archived materials as discoverable as possible, and properly utilizing an ever-growing number of technological options to create an infrastructure and build your workflows. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a single-day conference in the heart of New York City, with a low registration cost, specifically devoted to these areas? Wouldn’t you know, there is! Put on annually by AMIA, the Association of Moving Image Archivists, is DAS, the Digital Asset Symposium. This year’s DAS is on Friday, May 5th, at New York City’s Museum of Modern Art, and Chesapeake’s own Nick Gold is serving as this year’s conference chair for the event. DAS is a relatively intimate event, and draws industry professionals from a broad array of organizations: Broadcasters and other large media companies, educational institutions, and a variety of other groups who are charged with managing archives of moving imagery and other forms of rich media. In addition to the presentations themselves, ample opportunity is given for dialogue around the issues that are raised, and for networking with industry colleagues. The presentations this year are going to be exciting and relevant: Case studies, technology presentations, and even a talk from Jim Hendler, one of the co-inventors of Semantic Web technology. This technology bakes “contextual metadata” into the taxonomies we develop, so additional levels of interrogation of the data set by AI or “smart algorithms” can be conducted, with the goal of revealing new insight and surfacing content that otherwise might not have been nearly so discoverable. Hendler’s latest work focuses on the crossing of paths between AI and network-connected humans, and his presentation is sure to be fascinating glimpse into where all of this might be leading, and what challenges lie ahead for us in our never-ending quest to make our content “smarter” and more self-aware. Chesapeake Systems would love to see some familiar faces in the crowd, and we encourage you to register right away for what will be New York’s best video archive and MAM-centric conference of the year. Information about the event as well as the registration link can be found at the site’s page at AMIA is a wonderful organization that Chesapeake is proud to be associated with, and we feel strongly that if managing video archives is something that is, or might someday be, part of your set of responsibilities, this is a community you will want to be part of. REGISTER NOW * Chesapeake Systems Friends Discount Use the code DAS-SPG when you register for a 15% discount. Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail