Get in on the NAB Show New York Oct 12, 2016 Tech and digital trends are changing faster than you can say Snapchat Spectacles. Stay up-to-date on these latest advances by attending NAB Show New York, Nov. 9-10, at the Javits Convention Center, at the center of Manhattan’s West Side. The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), which acquired Content and Communications World (CCW) in 2014, brings the power, passion and connection of the NAB Show to the thriving New York media and entertainment marketplace. In addition to an exciting opportunity to connect with your customers, this year’s show will feature a Drone Pavilion, an Innovations Lab and a Virtual Reality Lab as well as more than 300 exhibitors in content creation, management, delivery and consumption. Chesapeake Systems will be in attendance, and we hope to see you as well! To set up a meeting, email us at For free exhibit registration to NAB New York, reach out to Chesapeake Systems at Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail