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Today we dive in to and Helmut and their unique ability to leverage the power of Modern Integrations that react to events. This allows creatives to do their own workflows with the ability visualize a reaction of events in a full virtual environment.

In the past, workflow integrations required the assistance of developers, resulting in slow turnarounds and long processes to create new workflows. In today’s world, integrations have evolved where point to point interactions with a developer are no longer needed. The combination of and Helmut has empowered users to build their own integrations in real time, without the need of a developer. Learn how these two software’s have put the power of workflow in the hands of the users in simple and easy integrations.

Helmut4 is the solution for efficient management of editing projects in professional video production environments where Adobe® Premiere® Pro, Adobe® After Effects® and Adobe® Audition® are used. It adapts to your individual workflow and serves as connecting element inside your infrastructure as well as integrator of third-party systems. Project management newly defined – agile, adaptable and user-friendly.

Helmut’s built-in workflow builder, known as the ‘Streamdesigner’, is what truly makes the difference. In contrast to many other software solutions, the source code of Helmut4 is not completely fixed, but can be adapted by you in the Streamdesigner. This allows you to expand Helmut’s range of functions according to your own needs and ideas. You can connect conditions, actions and outputs to existing events in a node-based view until Helmut has created the exact workflow you need for your production environment.

Frame IO is a content collaboration hub, with deep integrations in the Adobe ecosystem and beyond. It is one central place that lets you share media, track feedback, and streamline your workflow so your team can work closely together from anywhere in the world. For years, video teams have used a patchwork of tools for collaboration, dailies delivery, work in progress reviews, file transfers, and approvals. brings everything — and everyone — together in one place. It makes feedback more specific and actionable, so you can reduce review cycles and speed up approvals. Less mind-reading, more delivering. All communication in one place… Replace jumbled email chains with a single, consolidated comment list. People can leave notes at any time, and the latest feedback is always easy for everyone to find. The power is in the connections of Editors, Cinematographers, Clients, Marketing Manager, Directors, Operations Administrators, and everyone else in your process.


Lance Hukill

Chief Commercial Officer

David Merzenich

Managing Director
MoovIT Software Products GmbH (Helmut)

Clayton Dutton

Solutions Architect at Adobe
Frame IO

(CHESA) were a wealth of information right from that first call. We discussed all of our needs, talked about all the solutions I had been researching and diagnosed all of the challenges we had been having.”

- Jermaine Harrell

Manager of Media Infrastructure and Technology
Complex Networks

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