Half Yard Productions

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Half Yard Productions

The Client
Half Yard Productions is an award-winning entertainment development and production company with offices in New York and Bethesda, MD. From character-driven reality series and documentary narratives to historical specials and educational programming, Half Yard Productions delivers high-quality programs on a diverse array of subjects. Go to www.halfyardproductions.com to learn more. Cameron Young is Post Production Manager at this exciting media company, and he has seen a lot of changes. “Post Production has changed dramatically over the last five years. You can no longer just be concerned with the “post” aspect of the shows. Whether it’s meeting with the production staff to go over cameras and the workflows associated with them or trying to figure out a way to speed up an edit on a tight schedule, you need to be involved in all aspects of the show. On top of that, there is managing the support staff, managing our shared storage, and supervising final finishing.” “When we started to work with Chesapeake, we were looking for a company to help us solve those very technical and very crucial infrastructure issues that we came across while expanding into the company we are today. We feel that we have a real partnership with Chesapeake and that they’re going to put our company’s interests first and foremost.” To find out more about Half Yard Productions, we invite you to read the feature article in smartCEO about the company’s co-owners, Sean Gallagher and Abby Greensfelder: Quote from article: “You have to impute greatness,” Greensfelder says, citing a book she is reading about Steve Jobs. “Those guys [at Apple] thought of themselves as something great even when they were working from the garage. You have to know what you’re doing and believe in what you’re doing.” When asked for his insights into what he sees down the road for the realm of post-production, Cameron responds, “I think that storage management is going to become increasingly important in the future. All these file-based cameras have created many different workflows. Whether you are editing in the camera’s native codec or transcoding to something else, that media all has to live somewhere. If you choose to do an offline/online workflow, you’re looking at 4 copies of the same media sometimes. Staying on top of that and making sure you archive material to keep your storage functioning at a high level is paramount.” Cameron concludes, “Knowing that the company supporting your facility has your best interests in mind is a great feeling. It truly has been a pleasure working with everyone at Chesapeake Systems, from the sales staff to the technicians and everyone in between.”
The Situation
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