DAS 2017 Highlight: Video is the Language of the 21st Century By Jessica Mantheiy On May 5, 2017, the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) hosted their annual Digital Asset Symposium (DAS) at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. This event brought together all aspects of the industry and covered a variety of Media Asset Management topics. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions and leverage the community around them. To facilitate further conversation a reception was held afterward at Viacom’s White Box. During the welcome Nick Gold, Chief Revenue Officer and Solutions Consultant of Chesapeake Systems and Program Chair of the 2017 DAS stated: “video is the language of the 21st century”. This spoke to the underlying theme of the event which was the need to not only capture this critical point in history but to preserve it and pass it on to future generations. Skip ahead to 5:58 to hear from Nick If you would like to revisit any or all of the sessions that were held, videos are posted on the DAS site. Share this...LinkedinFacebookTwitteremail