Unleashing High Performance Agile Workflows with StorNext7 and NVME at NIH Webinar

June 29th, 2021

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Join CHESAQuantum and MedData Research Inc. for a Roundtable Webinar Discussion and Live Q&A with Jeff Plum, NIH Consultant and VP of MedData Research Inc.

We Will Share How Virtual Machines, Containers, and Docker Orchestration on Shared Storage NVMe Help Researchers Like the NIH Break Through Research Barriers

Testing new research algorithms and evaluating massive data sets elegantly is a hyper-evolving field – the sheer enormity of the data to be moved efficiently in and out of research environments and the careful handling of results for further comparison can slow a research team or department to a crawl.

By applying the best practices of shared workflows, paired with the agility and programmability of virtual machine containers on incredibly fast storage, NVMe is unlocking enormous performance gains to get research done far faster and more thoroughly than ever before.

Join a fast-moving discussion about the challenges facing data scientists today – and the lessons learned and best practices from delivering a high-performance workflow for a US Government scientific and research customer including:

  • How to ‘Dockerize’ and containerize discrete solution algorithms for rapid testing
  • How to match the shared storage performance of StorNext 7 and NVMe storage to the fastest possible workflow for large image and data sets
  • How to archive the data and result sets from offsite to secure, encrypted cloud storage with StorNext FlexTier
  • Live Audience Q&A