A Workflow Therapy Glimpse with CHESA: The #1 Thing We Learned about Asset Management is NOT about Technology

October 22nd, 2020

At M&E Day, Part of NAB New York, Jason Paquin – Chief Executive Officer, CHESA and Louise Shideler – Business Development, CHESA conducted a Breakout Session on what we’ve learned. When it comes to major metadata and content migrations, it’s not just about what works, it’s about what doesn’t work – and why.  As a systems integrator, CHESA is the middleman in the best sense. Benefit from our unparalleled perspective – we’ve rolled up our sleeves and gotten our hands dirty many a time! While everyone gives lip service to “expectation management,” we talk about what that tangibly looks like. And often the greatest challenges in projects may not be what you’d expect. So pull up a couch, and join us for some Workflow Therapy!