Nick Gold to speak about OTT at SMPTE NY

May 27, 2014

Nick Gold
Our Director of Business Development, Nick Gold, will be giving a presentation in NYC in early June on a topic that, as you’ve seen lately in the news, greatly impacts all of us in the media field.

The title is, “Over-The-Top Television (OTT) – What It Is and Why It’s Important to You,” and Nick will present it at the New York Section of SMPTE’s monthly meeting, Thurs. evening, June 12.


The Location will be:

Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Film Center
New York University
36 East 8th St., New York, NY
(between University Place & Greene Street)

Also presenting will be Tony Zare of Evertz, who will speak to the technical workflow of getting OTT into our homes.

The event starts at 5:30p with refreshments and networking, and the presentations begin at 6:30p. The event will be over by 8:30p.

The meeting is open to the public and it’s free, but you need to register.

We look forward to having you join us

Contact David Ryan with any questions.